Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there was a young girl named Lil Red Riding Hood. She lived in a small village with her mother, who was very protective of her only child.

One day, Lil Red’s mother asked her to deliver a basket of food to her sick grandmother, who lived in a cottage on the other side of the forest. “Remember, my dear,” said the mother, “stay on the path and don’t talk to strangers. The forest can be a dangerous place.”

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Lil Red promised to be careful, and set off on her journey. At first, she was very attentive to her mother’s instructions. She walked along the path, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. But as she walked, she became more and more mesmerized by the beauty of the flowers that lined the path. She stopped to pick a few, and before she knew it, she had strayed off the path.

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It was then that she encountered the wolf. He was a sly and cunning creature, who saw Lil Red as easy prey. He flattered her, telling her how pretty she was and how much he admired her bravery in venturing alone into the forest.

Lil Red, who had never encountered a wolf before, was charmed by his words. She let her guard down and engaged in conversation with him, telling him all about her journey to visit her grandmother.

The wolf listened intently, noting the direction that Lil Red was headed. When she had finished, he bid her farewell and promised to see her again soon.

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Lil Red continued on her way, feeling more confident now that she had made a friend in the forest. But as she approached her grandmother’s cottage, she began to sense that something was not right. The cottage seemed unusually quiet, and when she knocked on the door, there was no answer.

She slowly pushed open the door and was shocked by what she saw. There, lying in the bed, was her grandmother – or at least, what was left of her. The wolf had beaten Lil Red to the cottage and had devoured her grandmother.

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Lil Red was terrified, and the wolf, who had been hiding in the corner, leaped out and attacked her. She fought back as best she could, but in the end, she was no match for the wolf. He devoured her as well, and the two were never seen again.

The story of Lil Red Riding Hood is a cautionary tale that teaches us to be vigilant and to always be aware of our surroundings. It reminds us to listen to the advice of those who are more experienced and to not let our curiosity or desire for adventure lead us astray. The forest, like life, can be unpredictable and dangerous, and it is up to us to protect ourselves and make the right choices.

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A Cautionary Tale of the ChatGPT Age.

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